⏱️ When you don’t choose to do what matters


Always remember that the #1 reason most people don’t have the time to do the thing they want to do is because they have chosen not to.

How easy is it for us to see or hear someone doing something we wish we could be doing; going on a vacation, creating memories with their kids, spending time every week on their hobby, etc., and we think something along the lines of “It must be nice…”

The next time you have that thought, remember: the reason you don’t have time for that thing is because you choose not to.

that person has the time for that thing because they choose to make it a priority.

Of course, this doesn’t make sense. Who would intentionally choose not to spend more time doing things that bring them life?

But the key word there is intentionally. The reason busyness is a choice is that instead of being intentional with our time, we are reactive with our time.

We allow TikTok and email and Netflix and not focusing at work so we have to spend more time on it in the evenings to keep us from doing things that matter.

If you don’t choose how to spend your time, your time will choose it for you. I am unconvinced that most of us don’t have at least 30 minutes a day that could be spent doing more things that matter to us.

Yes, there are seasons of life where that is the exception. However, our culture lives as if that is the rule.

So the next time you’re tempted to think “That must be nice!” first, ask yourself how you chose to spend your time this week. If you don’t choose to make the time, your time will never choose it for you.


The Practice By Seth Godin

Generally speaking, this book is about the practice of creating and doing. And what you need to do to ship your work.

This book was interesting but also a letdown for me. It was not written like a traditional book with chapters, but rather it is a series of 220 ideas written in short blog post format to make a book.

There were some interesting points and ideas, but there were so many of them it was really too much (for me anyway). In my view, a good book has about 2 to 3 good nuggets you will pull away from it. This book had so many ideas and moved so quickly to each one that there wasn't time to digest and ponder them.

It's not that it is a bad book, but for these reasons, it wasn't a very enjoyable read for me.


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