⏱️ The Best Minute: The most EFFICIENT way to complete a project


Following a predetermined calendar where you are focusing one on task or assignment at a time always leads to the most efficient results. To take it to the next level, you’ll want to separate the prep work and the actual work for tasks that require it.

For example, when I record my weekly Practical Church podcast, it is much better if I prep for the podcast (write out my ideas and what I am going to talk about) at a different time than when I record it. Blocking out a larger one-time chunk to prep and the record all at once always takes longer.

When I write a sermon, it is better if my study and writing time is separate from my review time. My process flows much better when I review and go over my sermon not right after I finish writing it, but at a different time entirely.

My morning routine is much smoother because I prep certain things the night before. For example, I’ll pick out my clothes, make my lunch, and make sure I have everything I need for work the next day. That way in the morning, I’m ready to go.

So while prepping and recording a podcast could all be done in one time slot, they are actually two very different things and take different types of brain power and energy to accomplish.

To ensure the highest level of focus and efficiency, don’t be afraid to plan different times to complete one over-arching project if completing the project involves different types of tasks.

Prepping for something and executing something are often two very different operations. Schedule them separately for maximum results.


I. Andrew Wilson on the hope Jesus alone provides:

None of this proves that the Christian account is actually true (that Jesus changed the trajectory and history of humanity). That has to be established in other ways. Indeed it might be complete nonsense, which we only go along with because we find it more appealing than the animst, polytheist, Islamic, or nihilist alternatives.

But it does mean, I suggest, that we should want it to be true. If the central tenets of Christianity correspond to reality - if God is love, creation is good, humans are image bearers, sin is forgivable, Christ is risen, death is temporary, and justice is coming - then our commitment to human rights and quality reflect divine warrant rather than wish fulfillment, and the world is an immeasurably more hopeful and more meaningful place than it is if they are not.


II. Steven Pressfield on differentiating who you are from what you do:

“The professional loves her work. She is invested in it wholeheartedly. But she does not forget that the work is not her.”


Blackstone flat top griddle.

This is a bigger ticket then the things I normally recommend, but I use mine 4-5 times per week on average. The are many different Blackstone griddles, but this Walmart-only version does a great job at a lower price point. If you’re interested in getting a griddle, I would recommend you don’t go smaller than 36 inches (regardless of the brand you may go with). You’ll want the space to be able to cook multiple things at once when you choose to do so.


Coca-Cola played a big part in Santa's image.

Before Coca-Cola decided to use his image for advertising, Santa looked more spooky than jolly in many of his depictions. Then, in 1931, the beverage company hired an illustrator named Haddon Sundblom to depict the jolly old man for magazine ads. This lead to the universal image of Santa we all know and love today.

Source: Housekeeping


What is one thing you can do this week outside of your normal routine that would bring you joy?

Want more from me? You can connect with me online on Twitter and Instagram.


6 Practical Strategies to Read More Books


⏱️ The Best Minute: What motivation is (and is not) good for