The Best Minute: On how to treat others, Christianity, and reducing distractions


I. George Washington Carver on how to treat others:

"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these."

II. John Mark Comer on the historicity of Christianity:

“The writers of the Bible didn't view things like how we should spend our money, who we sleep with, or even the resurrection of Jesus from the dead as opinion or conjecture. They viewed them as reality.

This is one of the starkest differences between the gospel of Jesus and other major world religions; more than any other form of spirituality, the New Testament is based on events in history. The Bible is full of times, dates, names, places. The four Gospels aren't mythology but history.”


I. Here are four ways to reduce distractions from your phone:

  • Turn off all notifications

  • Leave your phone on do not disturb during working hours

  • Put it somewhere you have to physically move to access it

  • Take email off your phone

II. Often times we don’t hit our goals, not because our goals are too big, but because our steps to get there are too big.

  • Maybe you can’t lose 5 pounds in a day, but you can decide to drink water instead of soda for lunch

  • Maybe you can’t read 3 books in a week, but you can read one chapter a day

  • Maybe you can’t (or don’t want to) quit social media altogether, but you can proactively schedule when and for how long you will be on social media

Don’t worry about how long it takes you to get there, worry about what small habits you can create to sustain you along the way.


Martin Luther King Jr. got a C in public speaking.

Everyone remembers Dr. King as a leader of the Civil Rights Movement and often quotes his “I Have a Dream” speech that he delivered in 1963. However, over a decade before his legendary speech, while attending Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania, he earned a C in public speaking during his first and second term.

Source: RD


What areas of my life am I maintaining when I need to be growing?


The Best Minute: On happiness, focus, and blaming the wrong thing


The Best Minute: On success, how to spend your time, and who you are