The Best Minute: On living life, improving, and when to do what


I. Richard Feynman on how to live:

“Fall in love with some activity, and do it! Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough. Work as hard and as much as you want to on the things you like to do the best. Don't think about what you want to be, but what you want to do. Keep up some kind of a minimum with other things so that society doesn't stop you from doing anything at all.”


II. David Brinkley on using criticism for improvement:

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”


I. Decide when you’re going to do something, not simply what you are going to do. Simply deciding what without when means you are much less likely to do it. Instead of thinking “I need to exercise, work on that project, and read that book today,” try this:

  • I’m going to exercise at 4 PM today

  • I’m going to work on that project at 10:30 AM today

  • I’m going to read 15 pages of that book at 8 PM this evening

Don’t wait until you feel like doing what you know you should do. Plan when you will do it, and what you want to do will happen.


II. Instead of assuming you don’t have enough time for [fill in the blank], ask yourself what is the real reason you haven’t made time for it? Is it too because too much of your time is spent on your phone? Because you haven’t planned your day ahead of time and instead what until you feel motivated to do things? What is the bottleneck that is holding you back?

Instead of thinking you don’t have enough time, write down three things you could alter in your schedule that would give you the time you need for it.


Your nostrils work one at a time.

When we breathe in and out of our nose during the day, one nostril does most of the work at a time, with the duties switching every several hours. This "nasal cycle" is dictated by the same autonomic nervous system that regulates heart rate, digestion, and other unconscious bodily functions and is the reason why—when our nose gets stuffed up—it does so one nostril at a time.

Source: Best Life


What areas in my life would improve if I set clearer boundaries?


The Best Minute: on keeping time, your environment, and reading more books


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